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For Clinicians

CVLC welcomes client referrals from clinicians and clinical partners across Connecticut.

For Veterans

CVLC provides free legal council to Veterans through addressing a wide range of legal challenges.

For Pro Bono Partners

CVLC's work is made possible through our Pro Bono network of over 200 volunteer lawyers.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency aimed at serving low-income Veterans in Connecticut. While we partner with many government and non-government agencies, CVLC is a completely independent nonprofit. Click here to read more.

CVLC Mission

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center’s mission is to empower, support, and improve the lives of Connecticut Veterans by providing free legal assistance to help them overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare, income, and recovery.

CVLC Vision

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center’s vision is for all Connecticut Veterans to thrive and contribute to their communities with a sense of self-worth and dignity.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center Blog

Join our fight with a life-changing gift today

Your donation will help us serve more than 1,500 Veterans across Connecticut this year. 

(above) Ali Mohhammad, Army Veteran and former CVLC Client (left) and Delene Falcon, Army Veteran and former CLVLC Client (right). Photos by Desirea Stott-Rodgers Photography. (Slider photos) Client and US Army Veteran Theresa. Juliet Taylor, CVLC Intake and Program Access Specialist. Clients Joe and Kathy. All photos by David Apuzzo. (Top of Page) Alison M. Weir, CVLC Executive Director (left), Donald Tutson, Director of Pro Bono Services with former client and CVLC Board Member Amy Antioho (center), and Vanesha Warden, Screening Receptionist (right). All photos by David Apuzzo. (Burgundy box) Chelsea Donaldson, Supervising Attorney VA Benefits with Theresa, Army Veteran and CVLC Client. Phoyo by David Apuzzo.

Thank You to Our Key Supporters

CVLC is a good investment of your Fundriasing Dollars!

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center has been recognized with a Four-Star Rating by Charity Navigator with a perfect score of 100%!

Charity Navigator is a charity assessment organization that evaluates hundreds of thousands of charitable organizations based in the United States. Receiving this rating is not only an endorsement of CVLC’s commitment to nonprofit best practices and good financial management, but also demonstrates our responsible use of contributed income to ensure that donations received directly benefit the Veterans we serve. Consider making a life-changing donation today and support our work.

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