Sample Right to Counsel Testimony Language
Right to Counsel Testimony before the Appropriations Committee
February 13, 2024
Senator Osten, Representative Walker, Senator Berthel and Representative Nuccio, and members of the Appropriations Committee, my name is [add your name], and I live in [add your town]. I write to urge you to provide $2 million in funding for the Right to Counsel Program as proposed in Governor Lamont’s budget.
The Right to Counsel Program provides no-cost legal representation to income eligible tenants and occupants at risk of eviction or subsidy termination. Through the Right to Counsel Program, Connecticut Veterans Legal Center provides free legal representation to low-income veterans facing eviction anywhere in Connecticut.
[add your position or interest in this matter—e.g,, I am a client of CVLC, or I am a board member of CVLC. Explain why this is important to you. For example, if you are client CVLC represented in an eviction, tell your story. If you are a support of CVLC, explain why how eviction defense provides a foundation for veterans in recovery to build upon, and saves lives.]
CVLC has been able to build its housing practice and grow its staff to help more Veterans through the Right to Counsel program. Its attorneys are dedicated and have a strong track record of achieving good outcomes for Veterans facing eviction. This program has allowed CVLC to reach more veterans throughout the state and help them avoid eviction and homelessness. Please continue this program by providing funding this year.
Thank you,
[add your name]