RWR Sponsorship

2023: April | May | June
When You invest in Run.Walk.Ride., you create life-changing impact."
Alison Weir, Executive Director
Sponsorships have played a lead role in the past success of Run.Walk.Ride.
With hundreds of participants from across Connecticut and even beyond each year, and event more donating online to their favorite runners, walkers, or riders, Run.Walk.Ride. is a vast community who cares deeply about eliminating the legal barriers Veterans have to accessing housing, income, and medical benefits.
Be a part of our community of sponsors who ensure the financial impact of Run.Walk.Ride. is felt in meaningful and impactful ways while also receiving comprehensive benefits that will highlight you and your support to the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center’s vast network of clients, community supporters, legal services agencies, and political leaders.
To secure your sponsorship please contact Patrick J Dunn, Deputy Director of Development and Communications at
Your Dollars at Work
10 Years of Impact

sponsor deck
Benefits of Being a Sponsor
Social Media
- Social media shout outs and features with business tags
- Recognition in the kick-off video posted on June 1st
- Opportunity to have a “A message from our sponsor” video posted to CVLC social media (certain levels)
- Recognition on Run.Walk.Ride Eblasts
- Recognition on CVLC website
- Recognition in Run.Walk.Ride. press release(s)
- Recognition on the Run.Walk.Ride 2023 T-shirt
- Opportunity to provide a branded giveaway to participants
- Invitation to be part of the Run.Walk.Ride. kick-0ff event on June 3rd in Fairfield County
- Personalized “Lunch & Learn” opportunity with a CVLC staff member
THANK YOU TO OUR 2023 Sponsors