Saluting Service

Celebrating 15 years of rebuilding lives and serving Connecticut Veterans
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Cocktails and Socializing 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Dinner and Program 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Canal Dock Boathouse
475 Long Wharf Drive
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
Warrior Class in Crisis
Bridging the Military-Civilian Gap to Serve Today's Veterans
As we celebrate our 15th-anniversary this year, we are excited to welcome US Marine Corps Veteran, author, and journalist Ben Kesling as keynote speaker. This year we will also honor long-time CVLC employee Nikki Kelsey with the Founders Award and Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law with the Pro Bono Award. This year’s event will also include a speech by US Marine Corps Veteran and CVLC client Morgan Gray and a special welcome from CVLC’s new Board Chair and US Army Veteran Margaret Donovan.
This year’s event will feature dinner by local Chef Samad Mickens, owner of Beyond the Salt, and an open bar of wine, Black Hog Brewery Beer, and Henkell German Sparkling Wine.
Special thanks to Yale NROTC, who will be presenting the color guard, and Doron Monk Flake, who will sing the National Anthem.
Cocktail or business dress recommended. Service Dress (Class A) or semiformal welcome.
About Saluting Service
Each year the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center comes together to celebrate Veterans Day by honoring those impacting the lives of Connecticut Veterans. We also use this as an opportunity to raise funds and celebrate the ongoing work of ensuring that all who served in our U.S. Military have access to justice and the resources they need to overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare, income, and recovery.
Saluting Service draws a diverse audience of individuals from across the legal, military, Veteran, healthcare, and philanthropic communities. As we celebrate the organization’s 15th-anniversary this year, we will welcome a special guest keynote speaker to explore the unique issues facing Veterans in addition to honoring individuals and organizations that have made an incredible difference in the lives of Veterans.
After reaching venue capacity in 2023, Connecticut Veterans Legal Center is excited to welcome more opportunities for guests to join us as we return to the historic Canal Dock Boathouse.
Planning Committee
Amy Antioho
Veterans Advocate
CVLC Board of Directors
Komla Godwill Matrevi
State of Connecticut, Social Equity Council, Department of Economic and Community Development
CVLC Board of Directors
Margaret Middleton
Open Communities Alliance
Co-Founder, Connecticut Veterans Legal Center
Jeffrey Udell
Walden Macht Haran & Williams LLP
CVLC Board of Directors
Thank you to members of our 2024 Planning Committee for your dedication to Connecticut Veterans.
Volunteer Opportunities
There will be a limited number of volunteer opportunities available leading up to and the night of Saluting Service. Volunteers will primarily be helping with set-up, check-in, path finding for guests, and take down. Volunteers are invited to join us for dinner.
Our 2024 Honorees & Speakers

Ben Kesling
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Keynote Speaker

Nikki Kelsey
Founders Award

Suisman Shapiro
Pro Bono Award

Morgan Gray
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Client Speaker
Sponsorships play a vital role in the success of Saluting Service.
Be a part of our community of sponsors who ensure the financial impact of Saluting Service. Your support affords us the ability to make a real difference in the lives of Veterans, while you receive comprehensive benefits that will highlight you and your support to the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center’s vast network of clients, supporters, legal services agencies, and political leaders.
his year we will produce a full color program book which will be distributed to each guest and will include limited opportunities for advertising. Ads begin as low as $375.
To reserve your ad, contact Patrick J Dunn, Deputy Director of Development and Communications using the button below. Ads are due October 11th. Additional details related to advertising can be found on page 9 of Sponsor Deck.
Thank You to Our 2024 Saluting Service Sponsors
Join our growing community of sponsors! Click here to read more about sponsorship opportunities.

Photos from the 2023 Saluting Service
Photos by Judy Sirota Rosenthal.