Elder Law
Are You a Veteran over 50?
Connecticut Veterans Legal Center provides FREE legal services to low income Veterans over the age of 50 to help them access their VA benefits, service related disability benefits, and none-VA related resources. We believe that the earlier a Veteran plans and has their financial supports in place, the more options they will have when long-term care is needed. Please note that we do not provide assistance with criminal or family law matters.
How We Can Help
• Service connected disability rating
• Non-service connected pension
• Medicaid / Title XIX (title 19)
• Long-term care planning
• VA aid and attendance
• Eviction defense
• Debt settlement
• Estate and end of life planning
• Power of attorney
• Discharge upgrades
Contact Our Intake Team for Support
- intakes@ctveteranslegal.org
- (203) 479-0375 - call or text
CVLC is here for you. To start the process of getting in touch with our attorneys, please contract our intake team directly or through your clinician.

"We are proud to help aging veterans at a time when they feel uncertain about their legal options."
Sharon Fialkovich, Elder Law Staff Attorney
Thank You to Our Funders